Our Services

Network Management

We specialise in managing IT networks for smaller organisations in an affordable price. We can work in full cycle to analyse, design, implement and manage your network infrastructure. If you are a small organisation, struggling with funding for IT or spending too much on IT, please arrange a meeting with us to see whether we could customise a support service (both Desktop and Server support) for you and save money.

Network Security Management

Information security has certainly become a central strategic objective in most businesses. A comprehensive and relivable information security controls not only reduces an organisation's overall risk profile, but also helps management's confidence and trust to move forward. We specalise in working with smaller organisations to test and build their security infrastructure which fits for their purpose.

Website and Database Management

We understand how customers value their services. We know how to apply the user-centred approach to create the information architecture and user experience that will deliver lasting value to your users. We always try to avoid reinventing wheels, so in favour of a powerful, flexible and open source content managment system (CMS) that's just right for your site. We can also help you plan and execute campaigns that deliver measurable results for your organisation. All our website services are flexible and can be customised according to your needs.

IT Consultancy

We provide all sorts of IT consultancy services which are flexible and can be customised for your organisation. Please give us call or email for further information

Tel: +44 (0) 77 9356 3801
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.